Sell our Flowers
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Selling our Flower Bunches
We would love to sell our flowers at your Cafe or Shop. We deliver the flower bunches to you so all you have to do is arrange a space to sit the flowers. At the end of each week we can collect the flowers that have not sold and replace with new bunches.
Make a trip to your shop special by adding our flower bunches in your stor.
It is amazing how much you can change the energy of a cafe or shop by simply placing bunches of flowers.

The Gift of Colour
The type of flower the colour of the bunch can connect to the mind in wonderful ways. When we design our flower bunches we create with the receiver in mind. Each bunch is created connecting to spirit.

You Can Kick off with Just a Few
We are happy to trial for a period to see how the flowers sell in your special space.

Custom Bunches
We can also supple healing plants and special plants in gift trays. Please call and discuss how you would like to sell our flowers and plants in your cafe or shop.

Our Specialties
Inspirational Flowers and Gifts is not just a bunch of flowers. Kimberely creates beautiful bunches of flowers with gifts within to motivate the reciever. Bring a little luck or love in their life. A small gift within a bunch of flowers can work like magic in the life of both the giver and receiver.

The Gift of Colour
The type of flower the colour of the bunch can connect to the mind in wonderful ways. When we design our flower bunches we create with the receiver in mind. Each bunch is created connecting to spirit.

Wedding or Special Event
If you have a wedding or special event coming up please call and we can discuss your needs.

Custom Bouquets
Special designs for special people. If you would like Kimberley to design and create a special bunch for that speical person please call and discuss.
Featured Products
Inspirational Flowers and Gifts connects you to the beauty of nature and the essence of flowers both their earth energies, their colour and their aroma.
Each flower has a specific energy that connects to the mind and to the spirit of you. You may like to book Flower Spirit Connection with Kimberley.
Friends - Flowers - Messages
This is a fun time with your special group of friends. Kimberley will help you connect to spirit and find answers for you and your group of friends.

Flowers and Gifts
With all our bunches of flowers come hidden little gifts and messages. Each little gift whether it be a feng shui gift or a crystal has a special meaning and energy that comes to you.

Custom Bouquets

Kimberley is a qualified florist. She can custom any bouquets you would like for a special event or a special person or occasion. Please call or email to discuss what you would like Kimberley to create for you.
A Garden Brings a Mind Alive
“Kimberley is an amazing florist. She is not only a wonderful designer when it comes to creating a special bunch for you, she is great at reading the energy of a flower and the energy of the person receiving. It is like she knows what you need right now to inspire you that life always works out great.”
We Deliver and Ship all over the Country!
M: 0413701 165