The Honey Badger and ME

The Honey Badger teaches you that you can oversome anything in life. It simply starts with a decision if you want to win or lose in life. I choose to win. I trust that my affirmations will inspire you to take the steps you need to take to win.

Affirmations to Lift You Up and Inspire You
I hope you enjoy working with my affirmations as much as I had designing and creating them for you. Please note if you would like any of the t-shirt designs in a colour please email or call and I can organise for you.

“Eye on the Ball for you never know where it will land.”

Scary Days
When you have a scary day know that the sun is still going to come up tomorrow

Trust Us – Kids Know
Trust us we know. When you trust us we start to blosom into great human beings.
Honey Badger Power
I have learnt so much growing up with a mum who is into crystals, colours and feng shui. At first you think what is this all about but when you start to work with crystals, your guides and feng shui it is actually magical.
Crystals are amazing. I grew up with a mum who was totally into crystals. They have an energy which you cannot describe. Just to hold them when you feel down they give you the feeling that everything will be ok. You can just have them in your room. Carry them in your pocket of massage when meditating and breathing.

Amethyst is my favourite. The all round crystals you have if you are only going to have one crystal. I always have a large piece on my bedside table. When I am feeling a little worried or anxious I carry a small piece in my pocket. It works a treat.
The stone for clarity. A great stone when you need or feel like you need protection. Especially good for you when you are constantly on the computer. It grounds you so you look at the real problem not the problem that you think you have.
Citrine is the stone of abundance and manifesting.
You can simply work with an affirmation and hold in your hand or you can carry in your wallet. Best place to have it in your room is on the window sill to invite the light into your life and the sun to shine through your day.

You are Welcome to Book a Time if You Want to Know the Crystal for You
Get in Touch
Being a guy and one who is into spirituality and crystals – a person who wants to be real in the real world is not a path every guy takes. So if you are out there and would like to link to your spirituality – be inspired or motivated to learn to work and empower your mind in different way then please get in touch.
“I am so proud of Hamish. He is taking charge of his life at a young age. I know he will inspire others to do the same. The world needs inspiring leaders today.”
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